Tuesday 27 December 2016

How to build a high-quality website that generate leads for your business

Professional web designing for lead geberation

Prepare your website to generate genuine leads for your business. Optimizing your website to generate leads is a simple technique but yet creative. But it’s not that simple as adding a call to action button.  Web designers need to take a creative and strategic approach. Well, let’s learn what tasks should be performed in order to generate more leads.

The visitor would have the below mentioned questions when they visit your website for the first time.

Is the business and website credible?

How to build a high-quality website that generate leads for your business

They will have this question so how to make it credible would be your question –
Yes, to make it credible you need to have a professional design, the header and banners should be appealing, it should be up to date, is the website fast to load, are the links working properly, are images relevant.

Are they professional within this sector?

You have to prove that you are professional. Display your awards, featured news or any other proofs for the visitor to trust that you are professional.

Can I trust this company?

Trust will be built by adding your company certifications, if you have ecommerce payments then you need to add secure badges. Ensure you have secured certificates. Trust will be built by adding testimonials, case studies, portfolios, real images of team instead of stock photos and you can add core team with profile pics to enhance the trust.

Does this company have a relevant solution to my problem, need or want?

How to solve the problems in website

To answer this question, you need to have done a research on your targeted market and find out their problems and try to solve those in your website. Many industry leaders would express some of the issues and if you are able to solve those then you have won the game. The key performance indicators can be converted into reliable questions and answer them effectively. Adding How we work and Why choose us works well. Descriptive case studies play an important role. 

Look into some of the Facts about lead generation website

Landing page - Having more landing pages with more targeted campaigns will generate more leads. Businesses with 40+ landing pages generate 12 times more leads according to hubspot research.

Campaigns can be in the below mentioned formats:

Campaigns for lead generation

  • E books/ Whitepapers
  • Blog Posts/Articles
  • Checklists
  • Infographics
  • Videos/Podcasts
  • Webinars

You need to display unique value prepositions on your landing pages and display them on home page, service page. Calls to action get tested and reiterated. CTA’s compel your visitors to take an action on your landing page. Think of what CTA’s can be added for your targeted audience.

Call to action – Headline – Headline plays a major role so test your headline using headline tester.
Use quality, compelling images, real images, products.

Provide a Supporting description and explain how they would be benefited if they take an action.
  • Use Digital Assets
  • Button
  • Main features a Lead Generation website should contain.
  • Easy Navigation
  • Use of sticky menus
  • Breadcrumbs
  • A simple Search Box
  • Quick links in the footer about services
  • Landing pages and website should be responsive
  • And should be super-fast
  • You need to capture data through forms with email and phone number.
  • Well written content with more information than selling concept.
  • You should write content for people and not google
  • Content should be based on building trust and helping services.
  • Ensure you have social sharing buttons

Download Website lead generation checklist.

We hope this post helped you in preparing your website for lead generation. Why don’t you prepare yourselves for 2017 Competition? 

Your website will be developed for upcoming trends. We design and develop creative, professional, responsive websites for start-ups, medium and small sized businesses. We are based out of Bangalore, J P Nagar and serving our clients across the globe.